Enhance your sauna experience with the healing benefits of


Chromotherapy, also known as color light therapy, is the science of using wavelengths of light to improve mental, emotional and physical balance. While it sounds like a futuristic concept, the use of color healing has been recorded as far back as the ancient Egyptians.

Enhance the healing benefits of your sauna experience by selecting from the range of colors we have to offer.

RED | Red light helps activate the circulatory and nervous system. It stimulates collagen production in our skin promoting healthier, smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

ORANGE | Orange light helps promote a brighter flow and more radiant skin. It can improve the appearance of aging, reduce inflammation, and stimulate circulation.

BLUE | Blue light produces a cooling, calming effect on the body helping with mental overwhelm and anxiety. Using blue light in the morning with sauna can help boost alertness, mood and cognitive function throughout the day. Blue light is also known for skin healing benefits.

YELLOW | Human brains thrive with some sunlight. Yellow, the color of sunshine and warmth, stimulates mental clarity, creativity and focus. It can help to reactivate and purify the skin, reducing the appearance of dark spots, inflammation and swelling.

GREEN | Green light can stimulate the production of serotonin, helping to ease pain, relieve stress, regulate mood, and improve sleep and digestion. Green is also effective in treating redness and inflammation often associated with rosacea and atopic dermatitis.

VIOLET | Violet light helps to relax the nerves and lymphatic system, which ultimately helps strengthen and refine cognitive functions, including mood regulation and memory.

CYAN | Cyan can help smooth, calm and heal irritated and inflamed skin.

PINK | Pink light acts as a cleanser and promotes mental clarity. It strengthens the veins and arteries, and helps eliminate impurities from the bloodstream. Its soothing hue helps to release long-standing emotional stress in the body.