Frequently Asked Questions

Studio FAQs

  • We’d love for everyone to enjoy the benefits of our recovery modalities. While the services we offer are considered safe for most, its important to consult your physician before starting any health and wellness regiment. View our list of contraindications here.

  • All sales are final and non-refundable. If you are late for your appointment, time will be deducted from your session. If you book an appointment and are unable to make it, please call us at (671)969-7823 to reschedule at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled session.

    No Shows are non-refundable and will be charged the full booking cost. No-Show sessions that booked under packages and memberships are deducted a session from current package or membership.

    Please understand it is not our intention to penalize, but to ensure an efficient system to best serve all our clients and members.

  • Simply email us at with a 14-day notice.

    Please note memberships are limited so we require suitable notice in order to set up the next person on the waiting list.

  • We’ve structured our booking to allow enough time for proper cleaning of equipment between each use.

    Saunas and cold plunges are cleaned before and after each use. We use non-toxic and gentle cleaning agents and protocols recommended by our equipment manufacturers.

    The studio is spot cleaned hourly and deep cleaned daily.

  • Please contact our team at

Sauna FAQs

  • Sauna use provides amazing health benefits. Depending on your personal health and wellness goals, a routine of 2-3x per week is great, and 4-5 times a week is ideal. As it’s known to increase weight loss and boost muscle recovery, sauna can the perfect complement to your fitness routine.

  • We don’t recommend sauna use if you are pregnant, under 16 years old, are sick or have a pacemaker/implants. While sauna is generally safe for most people, it is always best to consult your physician prior to starting any health and wellness regimen. View all contraindications here.

  • Infrared sauna use encourages weight loss not just through loss of water weight, but burned calories. Though you are sitting through a relaxing session, your body core body temperature increases as it is working to pump blood (increase heart rate) in order to increase circulation, and produce sweat to cool you down. Maximize your your workout or exercise efforts with routine sauna use!

  • Infrared is all around us and is proven to have a range of health benefits. The sun produces a combination of visible and invisible light, and one of those invisible spectrums is infrared rays. Invisible infrared wavelengths are what makes the sun feel warm (and ultraviolet wavelengths are what makes it bright). Scientists have established that infrared waves are beneficial to the human body as they increase the thermal energy in the body. Infrared does this without any of the harmful rays of sunlight.

    As a health and wellness business, your health is our top priority. We are proud to offer one of the most safe and effective saunas on the market. Our manufacturer, Jacuzzi® infrared saunas, has over 20 years experience in developing and perfecting sauna safety and design. In fact, our saunas are designed to be the only ones that cancel both EMF and ELF and have the best testing record in the industry.

    The Environmental Protection Agency has suggested that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) should not be more than 3 milligaus (mG), while exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF ) should be less than 1000 millivolts (mV).

    Our saunas have close to 0mG and under 200 mV of exposure per session. How is it possible that the exposure in our saunas is considerably little to none? The heaters in our saunas are produced with micro-fine carbon & ceramic elements, with layers of a woven substrate for a high infrared output (emissivity). This patent-pending process allows almost all the EMF and ELF to be cancelled out. In addition, the wiring that runs through our saunas is twisted and encased in a metal conduit, which further shields us from EMF and ELF.

    Our saunas and cold plunges are ETL certified, assuring the highest level of safety and compliance.

  • Sauna sessions are 30 minutes long with the option to add-on 15 minutes for $15.

    All guests/members are able to access the sauna up to 1x per day.

  • Our private sauna rooms can accommodate up to two people each. When you book a private room, you can enjoy a private session to yourself or with a spouse or friend (only $15 to bring a friend).

    Our open saunas are larger and are open for anyone (up to 3 people per session) to book at the same time. We recommend the open sauna if you’re booking at the same time with up to 3 friends, or if you’re simply comfortable enjoying sauna with others (even those you may not know).

Cold Plunge FAQs

  • We have 3 plunge levels to choose from - 39 degrees Faranheit, 50 degrees Faranheit, and 60 degrees Faranheit.

  • This varies from person to person and depends on certain factors like temperature and experience. We encourage our clients to start slow and build from there. To achieve benefits of a cold plunge, your baseline should be when you feel uncomfortably cold, yet safe enough to stay immersed.

  • We recommend a plunge protocol of 2-4 sessions lasting 1-5 minutes each throughout any given week.

    A recent study shared by neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. recommends deliberate cold exposure for 11 minutes total per week.

  • We monitor our water quality daily. Our plunge has a robust filtration system to keep the water filtered and cleaned after each use.

    As an added layer, we use bromine, a less abrasive alternative to chlorine, to keep the water clean and sanitized.

  • Plunge sessions are 20 minutes long to allow prep time, but tje time immersed in water should be no longer than 10minutes.

    All guests/members are able to access the plunge up to 1x per day.

Infrared sauna and ice bathing are considered safe for most people. However, there are still safety considerations to minimize potential risks of these recovery modalities. Always consult with a physician prior to starting any new health regimen or routine. REVIVE23 does not provide medical advice or treatment.

View contraindications here.